The ND Gardener: My Curated Garden
The 2023 North Dakota growing season has kicked off! Here is what I planted this year: tomatoes (sheyenne, better boy, and cherry) 💚 parsley 💚 zucchini 💚 lettuce (loose leaf variety) 💔 radishes 💛 sugar snap peas 💛 purple beans 💚 celery 💚 strawberries 💚 peppermint 💚 sweet lavender 💚 sunflowers 💚 chokecherries 💛 maple bush 💚 maple tree (silver) 💚 marigolds 💚 wildflowers 💛 I also acquired a few house plants that I am currently learning about! (tradescantia zebrina, aloe, snake plant, and a mystery one 🙈) 💚= doing well, 💛= doing okay, 💔= not doing well What did you plant? How are they doing? Comment below!