
Showing posts from June, 2023

The ND Gardener: My Curated Garden

 The 2023 North Dakota growing season has kicked off! Here is what I planted this year: tomatoes (sheyenne, better boy, and cherry) 💚 parsley 💚 zucchini 💚 lettuce (loose leaf variety) 💔 radishes 💛 sugar snap peas 💛 purple beans 💚 celery 💚 strawberries 💚 peppermint 💚 sweet lavender 💚 sunflowers 💚 chokecherries 💛 maple bush 💚 maple tree (silver) 💚 marigolds 💚 wildflowers 💛 I also acquired a few house plants that I am currently learning about! (tradescantia zebrina, aloe, snake plant, and a mystery one 🙈) 💚= doing well, 💛= doing okay, 💔= not doing well What did you plant? How are they doing? Comment below!

The North Dakota Gardener: Midwest Mess to Gardening Success

 Hello, my fellow upper Midwest gardeners. If you are like me, you have a hard time finding specific gardening tips and tricks for our frigid weather and short growing season. When do I start planting? Do I buy seeds or buy plants? Where do I even put a garden, so my kids and dogs won't ruin it? Can I plant radishes next to my strawberries? By trial and error, researching, gossiping, exploring, and asking for advice, I have gathered much information to share with you all! (The answer is yes; radishes are a companion plant to strawberries, ask me how I accidently found out). After many ups and downs, tragic plant deaths, spring snowstorms (yay...😒), destructive animals 🐕(and sometimes children), I have a garden in full bloom and thriving. I won't tell you how many tomato plants were sacrificed 🙊. As an amateur gardener myself, I hope to inspire others to start a garden, as well as help those who are beginners like me. I think there is always room for improvement at any level ...

The North Dakota Gardener: Blooming Beginnings

 Hi, I'm BreAnne and I'm a stay-at-home mom of 2 kids and 2 dogs. I live in a small town in North Dakota (I know, they are all small), and one of my greatest passions is gardening. I have spent countless hours exploring the wonders of gardening with muddy hands and an open mind. In this blog, I aim to share my experiences, practical tips, inspiration, setbacks, trials, and triumphs. Whether you have a sprawling backyard or a humble windowsill, I believe that with a little determination, anyone can cultivate a thriving garden. Nature has a way of connecting us to the Earth and grounding us together. Join me as we dive into the world of growing our own food; to share with others, as a hobby, or to beat growing inflation prices. Whatever your reason may be, together we will uncover the secrets to successful gardening in the upper Midwest. Welcome to the Dakota Blooms, where we learn from failures and embrace feats. Let's dig in!